S&L’s TITAN MBR™, our latest pre-engineered wastewater treatment system for municipal, onsite and industrial applications. The innovative TITAN MBR™ combines the wastewater treatment engineering expertise of S&L with submerged, flat-plate membrane technology. The combination yields a dynamic membrane biological reactor (MBR): a system that provides end-users with high-quality treatment performance, minimal operational requirements, and a robust design that will stand the test of time. Read More >
The patented S&L FAST® Process stands for “Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment,” a fixed-film, aerobic treatment system designed for tackling variable load and flow conditions. Proven in thousands of installations worldwide, S&L FAST® consists of tankage packed with completely submerged media. The S&L FAST® media creates a high surface area-to-volume ratio, which, combined with internal settling zones, maintains constant bacterial growth during low-flow and peak usage. Read More >